About Me

Hi!  I’m a 50+ year old man that has decided to try my hand at learning to draw and paint.  Up until recently, the best I could do is a stick figure, and since I had always wanted to learn to draw, I better get started.  So, for my birthday 2016, I asked my wife for a computer drawing tablet for my birthday.  Since then I have been learning to draw, both digitally and with traditional materials and to my surprise I have been able to produce drawings that actually look like something that is identifiable.  I figured I would share my progress and try to give help to others that are also just learning to draw with what I have found that works and what didn’t.  This includes online courses, youtube videos, and various books I have watched and read.

My tastes run towards drawings of animals (particularly horses and cats) as well as landscapes, although I will likely work on other material as well.  I tend towards Pen and Ink with some colouring.  I am also interested in webcomics.

I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I have.