A Path to Art

My First Drawing Tablet

I have always wanted to learn to draw. Most of my life I could, at best, draw stick figures and really bad diagrams. A couple of years ago I decided it was time to change that and realizing that drawing is a skill and any skill can be learned if you put in the time and effort. For my birthday a couple of years ago, I asked for a Wacom Intuos and started to use it. I found quite quickly that I found it quite difficult to draw on one surface and watch it appear on another. At that point I figured I would try traditional art, using pencil and paper to at least get started and then move on to digital art at a later date.

My First Drawings

I did some online courses and was able to get a decent start. I am have graduated from kindergarten art to the level I would expect at high school level. About a year in of sporadic starts and stops, I decided that I was going to get serious about this and decided to upgrade the drawing tablet to a screen tablet. After a bit of research, I settled on the Gaomon PD1560. With being able to draw directly on the screen, I found it much easier to progress in digital art, which was the direction I had initially set out.

After a year of using the Gaomon, which is a very nice tablet for the price (I will do a review at a later date), I decided that I was serious enough about improving my drawing and painting skills that I broke down and upgraded to a Wacom Cintiq Pro 24. I am loving the Cintiq, with the larger screen and the more accurate pen.

The point of this site is a combination of reviewing the various technologies involved in digital art and journal of the learning process of acquiring the skills of digital art, with the hope that it will help others on their journeys to becoming artists. I find that most of the sites are run by people who have been drawing their entire lives and have forgotten what it is like to be a raw beginner. Since I started drawing a the ripe old age of 52, I might be able to help others that are learning to draw at an older age, and to prove that you don’t have to be young in order to get started.

More recent art

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